"Most professional directors spend a great deal of time and effort shooting on 'longer' length lenses for that beautiful shallow depth of field... And therein lie a few problems when you move into the world of shooting Stereo 3d..."
The above statement has several pre-supposed observations. Perhaps I should preface it with "in my expereince as a BBC trained Drama / Commercials 2d director, I generally find myself choosing lenses from around the 50mm slot in the box of primes, and upwards.
(Except the last commercial I directed for Florettes in which we had a 'wide' on a 35mm. But on the whole my favourite lens is the 85mm.)
The thing I have discovered since training as an Ortho-Stereoscopic director in 3d - is that it is a trade off between the number of depth cues that you can fit into a 'tighter' frame, versus the shallow 'film look' depth of field.
This is an area I would like to explore as I develop my reportoire in shooting Stereo 3d...