Tuesday 20 April 2010

Biology + Psychology + Technology = 3d

The eyes are NOT film cameras. So stop trying to 'think' like a camera when you are trying to visualize a shot or a frame or a scene... This is the first major hurdle when you are a 'died in the wool' time-served 2d director such as me. 13 years in London, 2 years in the States, 6 months in Belfast, 6 months in Cardiff, 4 years in Manchester. That all adds up to 20 years of years 'thinking in 2d'!
To create good watchable stereo 3d that doesn't pull your eyeballs out of their sockets, you cannot rely solely on the Technology. You have to begin with 'how we see' and how the brain uses 'what we see' and combines that information with a whole load of other factors before you even get a camera out of the case...
At this point in the blog I should bring into the frame my new best friends. Dr Bernie Harper and Rob Black. They are from Liverpool University Psychology Dept and they eat, sleep, drink, walk, talk, 3d! They think and communicate only in 3d! It took some adjustment from them to be able to talk to a numpty director like me and start to explain and unravel some of the complexities of stereo 3d. Dr Harper (Bernie to his friends) has been 'doing' 3d research for 10 years and knows more about 3d than is good for the mortal man... Rob Black on the other hand is a Perception Specialist / Consultant and he can show you things in 1d, 2d and 3d that you never knew existed! So Liverpool University, has a world renowned psychology dept. and I would have access to some of their greatest minds to help me learn about 3d. I was psyched
Who was it that said? : "I could teach you everything there is to know about 3d in an afternoon, but it would take you a lifetime to understand it." Sorry if that is a bad quote, but it make the point. It is such a complex area that if you fancy having a go then good luck. Throw yourelf into it and prepare to fail! And understand you cannot 'fix it in post' - It doesn't work like that!

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