Tuesday 4 May 2010

Ghost busting and Lanc synchronisation.

This was a sequence filmed under 'test' conditions with 2 HVR-A1 cameras.
They are not genlocked but ARE 'synched' using a Sony Lanc controller, they are
synchronized to within 5 milliseconds. We shot loads more - but on this shoot it wasn't very exciting,
so I have only posted the one clip. What I did learn from this shoot was about the concept of 'Ghost busting'
If you look in the background you can see the double imaging of the floor indicator above the lift doorway.
We converged on Rob (the guy in the black shirt) from about 3 metres - and the background has gone way beyond sensible convergence with the massive disparity that you can see. Well, this fact combined with the high contrast image creates 'ghosts' and there are some post production solutions that offer a 'ghost busting' service...
Youtube link here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioXavo2hBNw


  1. I'll put it on Youtube for a larger version...

  2. Here is a Youtube link to that clip
